Stewards of Our Various Families' Past
Holliman and Associated Families provides this site map to improve navigation of our web site, for the convenience of our web site visitors.
events and site changes.
This is a place where one can find and share family history information pertaining to mainly the English and American Holliman families (various spellings) and dozens of allied families. In generations past, memorabilia and research might have gone to the attic or the dust bin. In the 21st Century why not create a virtual archive, scan thousands of pages and via the Internet invite genealogists, now and in the future, to visit the growing database? Select items of interest, a bit like a lending library, only one gets to keep a copy of the manuscript or photo album of ancestors!
Our uploads are often of documents researched and many written by earlier generations. In numerous cases, new information has altered lineages so be careful with conclusions from the past But what a debt we owe to earlier generations for acquiring and saving raw data, memories and our past. We hope this site will be a resource for decades to come. - GNH